Virechana or Purgation Therapy
Purgation Therapy {Virechana} Virechana is one of the main Detoxification Therapy in Ayurveda which works as in Panchakarma, which is for expulsion of toxic materials out of the body through the rectal route. It is very useful in treatment of Pitta related disorders like liver disease, skin ailments and gastrointestinal issues. Virechana uses herbal laxatives to remove waste from the gastrointestinal tract, bringing greater balance and good health. The treatment is generally preceded by the preparatory steps such as Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sudation) to liquefy toxins. Centre of Ayurveda Durgapur offers advanced Virechana treatment one of the best Ayurvedic treatment at its Panchakarma centre to get relieve from pitta imbalance, patients who want a good detox for their body.